Newt to Mooch: Slow Your Roll, Learn the Job

Tennessee Star


Newt Gingrich leveled a heavy rebuke of the erratic and unproductively bombastic outbursts by President Trump’s new White House Communications Director Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci Thursday, in two separate appearances with conservative talker Laura Ingraham.

The first was on The Laura Ingraham Show, where he admonished the freshly-minted Communications Director to ‘learn to do the job.’

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

INGRAHAM: …What do you take away from this most recent 24 hour period with Scaramucci?

GINGRICH: I think that Scaramucci had better be a lot more careful than he has been. He obviously likes the lime light he obviously likes being in the media. I would say right now he is being more pugnacious than effective. He ought to slow down a little bit and learn what he is doing. I think that he things he said about Reince, if he said them, where is his proof? I mean it’s totally unhelpful having someone going around starting family fights in public and if he is going to be that divisive I’m not sure if he is going to be that useful to the president.

INGRAHAM: Apparently he called into CNN and it could be the sole purpose of questioning Preibus. He went on to say Reince can speak for himself about whether he’s the one who leaked his financial disclosure form. It turns out his financial disclosure form was publicly available and that’s how the reporter got it.

GINGRICH: I think Scaramucci is full of himself, I think he got down here from New York and he is all excited; frankly he is talking more than he is thinking. He needs to slow down and learn the business. Scaramucci is not in the position of being a wealthy entrepreneur who says whatever randomly he thinks.  His job should be to organize the communications of the President of the United States and help the president communicate with the country and picking fights internally doesn’t get you there. It may get you news coverage but he will learn very quickly that you can get news coverage lots of ways. This is a city where if you are in the White House you get plenty of news coverage. The question is whether or not it is useful news coverage or whether or not it gets you to where you want to go and I’m very underwhelmed by this propensity to go out and first of all go attack your own side and second that for the average American. You know the head by the way is the President of the United States it’s not the Chief of Staff so I don’t know what he is referring to with that use the of an old Italian saying he is certainly not suggesting that is the president. So I am very concerned that, I originally said he was a great asset I think he could be a great asset but I think he has to learn to be part of a team and be apart of some kind of plan process if he is going to actually live that out.

Listen along, here:


Later, in an appearance the Tucker Carlson Tonight with guest host Laura Ingraham, Gingrich took a slightly softer tone in his criticism of Scaramucci, saying that the CommDir’s actions do not serve the President – or the country – because the “‘Soap Opera’ blocks you from seeing the Big Things.”


The fallout comes after a furious flurry of expletive-laced statements made to media outlets like  CNN, the New Yorker, and even his own Twitter account.

The common theme across the many statements is to denigrate his fellow White House staffers Reince Prebius (whom he appears to think is a leaker?) and bizarrely, Steve Bannon (who he accuses of using the White House to ‘build his personal brand’).



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